Vigil Journey

User Cannot* Create Patron That Fails Validation**

Creating a patron (by which I mean, issuing a command such that some process somewhere will instantiate an actual Patron entity, and perhaps persist it in some useful manor) is all well and good,...

A Word On Factory Results and Contracts

For simplicity, the PatronFactory's CreatePatron method just returned an IKeyIdentity. This was a simple interface that requires an Id of type Guid. When the creation method was always assumed to...

User* Can Create** New Patron***

The first thing that I learned with Dependency Injection is that it encourages a mindset of "I'll figure that out that later." This allows me to put in the bare minimum for what might pass a test,...

Everything Gets an Id

There can be a lot of issues with figuring out how to identify an object, especially as I try to track it across various services, platforms, persistance strategies, and even entire systems. For a...

Stumbling Into Design Patterns

As I have been working on the Vigil project, I have been accidentally stumbling onto various patterns. I will go in search of a way to solve some particular problem, and end up losing several hours...

Vigil Base Solution

I've finally done it; I finally ripped, twisted, and otherwise cajoled the default MVC template, Identity code, and a few other tweaks I wanted to make into something I am semi-confident will be a...

Letting Users Get Ahead Of Me

In the quest to get to a Minimum Viable Product, I wanted to be able to wrap together a set of projects that would act as a complete framework for future projects. Every (nearly every) project...